Category: Assistive Technologies
Eldercare robots perform essential tasks Already popular in Japan, today’s New York Times reports on the developing trend of robotic companions for the elderly. A typical Japanese example is the Tsukuba University created Hybrid Assistive Limb. The battery-powered suit senses and amplifies the wearer’s muscle action when carrying or lifting heavy objects. Caregivers can also use the suit to…
Eye gaze controlled email, Skype for stroke and ALS patients Tobii ATI has unveiled a new tablet-like product line, the i-Series, designed to let users with ALS, stroke, and cerebral palsy use email and Skype through eye-gaze tracking. A mouse is no longer needed.
Brain-machine interface allows control of limbs through thoughts By placing a small sensor in the brain’s motor cortex, interfaces can pick up on electrical activity, and translate it into commands that control a robotic arm. Now scientists have gone a step further. Instead of a wired brain-arm link, they have now developed a wireless connection powerful enough to work at a distance of…
Bronx VA doctor helps paraplegics walk with Israeli exoskeleton device ReWalk is a commercial bionic walking assistance system, utilising powered leg attachments to enable paraplegics to stand upright, walk, and climb stairs. The system is powered by a backpack battery, and is controlled by a simple wrist-mounted remote which detects and enhances the user’s movements.
EPSRC funds 15 creative healthcare engineering projects The EPSRC is funding technologies in three health areas: 1. Medical Imaging. Projects include technology which could: -lead to better diagnosis and treatment for epilepsy, multiple sclerosis, depression, dementia as well as breast cancers and osteoporosis -reduce risks during brain surgery by creating ultrasound devices in needles -improve therapies for brain injured patients and…