University of Leicester and Owlstone Nanotech are developing a breath test to detect early stage lung cancer. Clinical trials for the device will begin soon. Last year ApplySci described a Cleveland Clinic developed sensor with a similar purpose. The study is being led by Leicester’s Dr Salman Siddiqui.
LuCID (Lung Cancer Indicator Detection), based on Owlstone’s GC-FAIMS (Gas Chromatography – Field Asymmetric Ion Mobility Spectrometry) works by measuring volatile organic compounds at low concentrations in breath.
Siddiqui’s goals are to “identify and evaluate biomarkers to improve the accuracy and reliability of breath diagnostic methods” and to “establish FAIMS as a faster, less expensive and more portable alternative to gas chromatography-mass spectrometry for breath diagnosis applications.”
Wearable Tech + Digital Health NYC 2015 – June 30 @ New York Academy of Sciences