Category: fMRI

  • Advanced imaging modalities map neural connections Images of 68 brains from the Human Connectome Project recently became available. The process was powered by highly advanced brain scanning hardware and state of the art image processing and analysis software. To provide multiple perspectives on each brain, researchers employed several methods: 1. MRI scans provided basic structural images of the brain, providing…

  • Real-time brain feedback for anxiety disorders fMRI-driven neurofeedback has been used in various contexts, but never applied to the treatment of anxiety. Yale University researchers used fMRI to display the activity of the orbitofrontal cortex, a brain region just above the eyes, to subjects in real time.  Through a process of trial and error, the subjects learned to control their brain…

  • fMRI differentiates physical from emotional pain,0,5200467.story A group of scientists at the University of Michigan have succeeded in using functional magnetic resonance imaging to tease apart the brain’s consistent response to physical pain from its very similar response to emotional pain. The result is a moving picture of physical pain that allowed the researchers to predict with remarkable accuracy whether the individual…

  • Researchers explain the goals of a new brain-mapping project A proposed effort to map brain activity on a large scale, expected to be announced by the White House later this month, could help neuroscientists understand the origins of cognition, perception, and other phenomena. These brain activities haven’t been well understood to date, in part because they arise from the interaction of large sets…