Thermo by Withings is a connected, highly accurate, non invasive thermometer. It measures temperature from the temporal artery on the side of the head using 16 infrared sensors.
4,000 measurements are taken in 2 seconds, and a proprietary algorithm corrects for differences including skin heat loss or heat from a room’s light. Data is sent to a smartphone via bluetooth, and the accompanying app tracks temperature over time. Custom inputs including medicine taken can be added.
Wearable Tech + Digital Health San Francisco – April 5, 2016 @ the Mission Bay Conference Center
NeuroTech San Francisco – April 6, 2016 @ the Mission Bay Conference Center
2nd annual Wearable Tech + Digital Health NYC – June 7, 2016 @ the New York Academy of Sciences
NeuroTech NYC – June 8, 2016 @ the New York Academy of Sciences