Dina Katabi and MIT colleagues are using radio signal based software to recognize human silhouettes through walls, and track movements. The technology is intended to help monitor children and the elderly, and could be used by the military and the police.
The signal is displayed on a screen, where movements are tracked in real time. The person is shown as a red dot, and can be seen moving around a room, sitting in a chair, or moving faster or slower. Breathing and heart rate can be monitored (with out the use of a wearable), and people can be identified based on their skeleton. In the event of a fall, caregivers are notified by text or email.
Wearable Tech + Digital Health San Francisco – April 5, 2016 @ the Mission Bay Conference Center
NeuroTech San Francisco – April 6, 2016 @ the Mission Bay Conference Center
Wearable Tech + Digital Health NYC – June 7, 2016 @ the New York Academy of Sciences
NeuroTech NYC – June 8, 2016 @ the New York Academy of Sciences