Phone camera measures wound depth, severity

AutoDepth by Swift Medical uses a phone’s camera to understand a wound’s depth and severity.  Algorithms process dynamic changes over time. Depth can indicate whether a wound is healing properly.

The system is noninvasive, and can be widely accessible to clinicians. In addition to gauging the wound healing process, it  can be used for measuring the progression of pressure ulcers, or in the analysis of moles on the skin, where volume, depth, and surface texture are considered.

Join ApplySci at Wearable Tech + Digital Health + Neurotech Silicon Valley on February 26-27, 2018 at Stanford University. Speakers include:  Vinod Khosla – Justin Sanchez – Brian Otis – Bryan Johnson – Zhenan Bao – Nathan Intrator – Carla Pugh – Jamshid Ghajar – Mark Kendall – Robert Greenberg – Darin Okuda – Jason Heikenfeld – Bob Knight – Phillip Alvelda – Paul Nuyujukian –  Peter Fischer

Registration rates increase November 10th.



